Donors to MIT who are taxpayers in other countries should review local tax laws and regulations for details or consult a local professional tax advisor.  


In Canada, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) is on the list of 'prescribed universities' in the Canadian Income Tax Act Schedule VII section 3503. Thus, all donations to MIT are tax-deductible in Canada subject to any regulations that might otherwise apply. For information on all registered charities in Canada under the Income Tax Act, please visit the Canada Revenue Agency's website. 

Hong Kong

For donors based in Hong Kong, MIT has established the MIT Hong Kong Foundation Ltd., a charitable vehicle intended to benefit the particular tax relief needs of MIT's Hong Kong-based alumni and friends. Learn more.

United Kingdom

For donors based in the United Kingdom, MIT has established the MIT Foundation (UK), a charitable vehicle intended to benefit the particular tax relief needs of MIT's UK-based alumni and friends. Learn more.

Transnational Giving Europe

Cross-border philanthropy in Europe is now a reality. MIT supporters in a number of European countries can make tax-efficient contributions to MIT through the Transnational Giving Europe (TGE) network. TGE is a partnership of European foundations that enables donor residents of one participating country (both corporations and individuals) to contribute financial support to nonprofit organizations in other member countries. Learn more.

How it works

The first step is to make your gift to the TGE foundation partner in your country of residence. Giving through the foundation provides you with all the fiscal advantages, including a tax receipt. Your gift will then be transferred to your intended foreign beneficiary; for MIT, it is the MIT Foundation (UK). Once the gift has been transferred to the MIT Foundation (UK), it will be applied towards its designated purpose at the Institute. Please be advised that it can take upwards of several weeks for the transfer of your gift to MIT to be completed.

Work with your financial advisor to make your gift a success

It is highly recommended that European resident donors work directly with their financial advisor and their country's foundation partner in order to make their gift to MIT. If you have further questions regarding making gifts through the TGE network, please contact Eileen Flood at the MIT Foundation (UK).