Answers to many common questions about giving to MIT are provided below. If, however, you find that your question is not addressed here, or if you would like to make a comment or suggestion about this website, please contact us directly at or 617.253.0129.

Mechanics of making a gift

There are several ways to make your gift to the Institute. Many donors prefer the ease and convenience of using our secure online gift form. You can also support the Institute by mail or phone; by electronic funds transfer; or by bank wire transfer. Read more about these and other ways to make your gift.

Yes—in fact, MIT encourages you to direct your gift to a program that is meaningful to you. Explore the Institute's giving opportunities to learn about the many other areas that can benefit from your support.

The Institute has identified several areas as its current fundraising priorities including unrestricted giving, undergraduate scholarships, and graduate fellowships. Learn more about these and other major areas of need.

Absolutely! Learn more about making bank wire transfers in U.S. or foreign currencies. And don't forget to notify MIT in advance of initiating your transfer to ensure that MIT anticipates and properly credits your gift.

Electronic funds transfer (EFT) is a way of giving that allows you to have funds automatically transferred from your checking account to MIT on a monthly or quarterly recurring basis. Instructions for setting up such a transaction are found here.

Many people choose to give to MIT in memory—or in honor—of a family member, classmate, faculty member, or friend. These gifts may be directed to a specific MIT program or fund, or their use may be left to the discretion of the Institute. When making such a gift, be sure to indicate the name of the person being remembered or honored. Read more.

The Institute sometimes receive requests to accept gifts in the form of objects of value or scientific interest. Before MIT can accept any such in-kind contribution, however, the Institute must find a home for that item. To determine whether—and how—MIT might make use of an item you are thinking about donating, please contact the Office of the Recording Secretary to discuss the possibility.

Many companies do indeed match gifts made to MIT. To find out more about your company's matching gift program, use our online matching gift company search, or contact your human resources or benefits office.

Gifts of appreciated securities or mutual funds allow donors to minimize U.S. capital gains taxes. Instructions for transferring shares vary depending on whether your stock certificates are held by you or by a bank or broker. Learn more.

You may designate all or a portion of your gift to a school or department's general use funds, or toward a particular initiative within that school or department. Explore your school or department’s giving opportunities.

The Institute's tax identification number is 04-2103594. MIT is a 501(c)(3) institution, and your gift is tax-deductible within the limitations of U.S. federal income tax laws.

A matching gift cannot be used to fulfill a pledge, however matching gifts are counted in your total dollars recognized for membership in MIT's Leadership Circle, and can also be included in your class Reunion Gift dollars.

Yes! MIT will send you a receipt for your contribution shortly after you make your gift.

There are significant tax benefits associated with many kinds of gifts to MIT. Please review specific information for the type of gift you are contemplating in the Ways of Giving or Planned Giving sections of this website.

Each donor's situation is unique. The Ways of Giving or Planned Giving sections of this website outlines many of the tax benefits of giving to MIT, however, you should consult with your tax advisor to determine which type of gift would offer the greatest tax advantage for you.

It's true: When you make a charitable donation, you're likely to encounter a lot of specialized terminology. Here is a brief definition of an endowed fund and here is one of an expendable fund. For help in deciphering more of the lingo of philanthropy, check out our glossary of giving terms.

Annual Giving

MIT Annual Giving is the Institute's annual fundraising effort that runs from July 1 through June 30. Unlike many annual giving programs operated by other higher education institutions, MIT counts all gifts to the Institute—of any amount, to any MIT designation—from all individuals, including alumni, parents, students, and friends (capped at $100,000) READ MORE.

MIT counts gifts to any MIT fund allocation, for any MIT purpose. Consequently, gifts to MIT can support every facet of Institute life, from schools, departments, and programs to scholarships, student activities, and much more. Alumni may designate their gifts however they choose, but most elect to support one or more of MIT's top fundraising priorities, such as unrestricted giving, undergraduate scholarships, and graduate fellowships. Other popular giving areas include professorships and class projects.

The Annual Giving year runs from July 1 through June 30.

Every gift you make to the Institute will be credited to your personal giving record, your giving total (up to $100,000 per fiscal year), and, where applicable, the reunion gift totals of you and your class. LEARN MORE.

First of all, congratulations on reaching your reunion milestone! Every gift to MIT you and your classmates make during the fiscal year of your reunion (ending on June 30) will be counted in the reunion gift total. Certain multi-year pledges may also be included, as set forth in MIT's reunion gift crediting rules. But remember: gifts and pledges must be made before the weekend of your reunion if they are to be included in the class reunion gift total announced at the Technology Day Luncheon.

When MIT alumni who are married to one another make a gift to MIT, MIT automatically credits the gift jointly between them (i.e., each spouse receives legal gift credit for half the gift amount), unless the couple specifically notifies MIT that they prefer individual credit. The same is true for married non-alumni parents of past or current students, as well as married friends of MIT. Alumni married to non-alumni will not receive joint gift credit unless specifically requested. Please note that membership in the MIT's Leadership Circle is based on household (as opposed to individual) giving. Thus, if John Alumnus is married to Jane Alumna and together they make a $2,500 gift to MIT, each will receive legal gift credit for $1,250, and both will be recognized as Leadership Circle Patrons, based on their household giving total of $2,500.

Gifts made directly to fraternities, sororities, or independent living groups (FSILGs), although extremely valuable to the individual chapters, are not credited as gifts to either MIT or the Institute's Annual Giving totals. However, donors may support the FSILG system and have their gift count as a gift to MIT by designating it to the Independent Residence Development Fund (IRDF). Unlike direct gifts to most of the individual houses, gifts to the IRDF are tax-deductible and far more likely to qualify for matching gift programs.

Planned Giving

Planned gifts include trustsgift annuities*, and bequests. When you contribute to a trust or gift annuity, you and/or your beneficiaries will receive payments for life or for a pre-specified term of years. This is an attractive option for donors who are looking for ways to provide an annual income to someone over the age of 55, while still making a substantial gift to MIT. Bequests allow donors to help MIT in the long term, while still retaining the assets during their lifetimes. All types of planned gifts provide considerable tax advantages. Read more.

*See the disclaimers for charitable gift annunity donors at the bottom of the webpage.

One advantage can be an income tax deduction in the year of the gift. Also, if you contribute marketable securities, you might significantly reduce your capital gains tax. In addition, planned gifts allow a donor to reduce the value of his or her taxable estate. Read more.

We invite you to email MIT's Office of Gift Planning, where the staff will be happy to help you explore different ways of making a planned gift to MIT. They also can be reached by phone at 617.253.4082.

MIT is pleased to provide sample bequest language for you and your legal advisor. If you have additional questions, please email MIT's Office of Gift Planning staff or contact them by phone at 617.253.4082.

Charitable Gift Annuity Disclaimers


For California residents: Annuities are subject to regulation by the State of California. Payments under such agreements, however, are not protected or otherwise guaranteed by any government agency or the California Life and Health Insurance Guarantee Association. 

For Oklahoma residents: A charitable gift annuity is not regulated by the Oklahoma Insurance Department and is not protected by a guaranty association affiliated with the Oklahoma Insurance Department.

For South Dakota residents: Charitable gift annuities are not regulated by and are not under the jurisdiction of the South Dakota Division of Insurance.